The region of Sierra Mágina is intertwined between the Cordilleras Béticas and the Guadalquivir valley, where abrupt mountainous areas meet flat countryside.
the route of the Guadalquivir and the penetration of valleys and streams have led it to be inhabited since time immemorial. They are generally small towns. Jódar and Huelma stand out as the towns with the largest number of inhabitants. The mountainous landscape of the region has historically marked its isolation, the massif acting as a natural obstacle to contact, which in turn has led to the preservation of its own cultural traits.
Olive cultivation is the main economic activity, with a decisive role in the preservation of cus- toms. The D.O. Sierra Mágina for the extra virgin olive oil, has revalued this sector; contributing to the commercialization of own brands, emphasizing the ecological oil, and contributing value to the rich and varied gastronomy. The cultivation of fruit trees, vegetables and extensive sheep and goat farming have always been present as minor economies. In addition to the natural heritage, the historical-cultural heritage is marked by traditions, esparto grass handicrafts, soaps and perfumes that each village has preserved since ancient times.