Above the picturesque town of Albánchez de Mágina and integrated in the Castle of Albánchez de Mágina, is this viewpoint. Its extensive views, which dominate a large part of the territory, confirm the reason for the location of the watchtower castle that crowns them. 

The abrupt mountainous contour contrasts with the large extensions of olive groves, main source of the economy of the area, which are drawn on the slopes and plains. Breaking the olive grove landscape in two, the banks of the Bedmar River wind their way through. In the background, the villages of Baeza, Úbe- da and Bedmar stand out on the horizon. 

Above the latter is the imposing peak of the Cueva del Aire, followed by the Serrezuela de Bedmar and the Golon- drina, all of them around 1,500 meters high. Already in the distance, it is possible to see the neighboring Sierras de Cazorla, Segura and Las Villas, and is that from this place few things escape us. This viewpoint is reached through the Castillo de Albánchez trail.



Upon inquiry


Upon inquiry


Upon inquiry

Castillo de Albánchez

Av. de Hutar, 2
23538 Albanchez de Mágina, Jaén
T. +34 953 34 70 09

Activity program



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