Cultural heritage

Historical-Cultural Heritage of Martos

Martos is an important city that sits at the foot of the Cerro de la Peña, crowned by the remains of the castle of the same name, along whose slope extends the compact urban center, presided over by the Castillo de la Villa and the great Church of Santa Maria. From this privileged location you can see its lands populated by an immense sea of olive trees.

In the interior there are interesting monuments such as the Church of Santa María de la Villa, the Church of the Trinitarias, the Church of San Francisco, the Hermitage of San Bartolomé, the Church of San Amador and Santa Ana, the Pilar de la Fuente Nueva, the Hospital of San Juan de Dios, the Real Iglesia  Parroquial de Santa Marta, the Chapel of Our Father Jesus and the Old Jail and Cabildo.



Upon inquiry


Upon inquiry


Upon inquiry

Patrimonio histórico-cultural de Martos

T. +34 953 210 000



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