
Route of the Centenary Olive Trees of Martos

To speak of Martos is to speak of the cradle of the olive grove and of the municipality that has been, historically, the first producer of olive oil in the world, with an average harvest of around 50 million kilos of olives. The more than 20,000 hectaresof its municipalarea are conquered by the olive monoculture and, especially, by the scenic beauty of its majestic centenary olive trees. It is a traditional olive grove with an oil of the picual variety.

In Martos, where there are approximately 1,500,000 olive trees, more than 60% of them are more than 200 years old, although oral tradition has shown that the olive trees in the area of Llano de Motril are more than half a century old. This route of the centenary olive trees occupies an extension of 84 hectares, with 5,394 trees as a whole, some of them true living sculptures that are capable of providing an average production per tree of 150 kilos.



Upon inquiry


Upon inquiry


Upon inquiry

Ruta de los olivos centenarios de Martos

T. +34 953 210 000



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