It creates natural products that contribute to the integral wellbeing of people, achieving this through experience and determination to of- fer quality Extra Virgin Olive Oil and products de- rived from it, which invite you to explore unique sensations and experiences.

It has olive groves and a traditional farmhouse with an integrated museum based on the old oil mill, very well restored. It has a tasting room and a store with its own products and other high quality food products and crafts of the area. It offers oleotourism tours and events. They do events combined with gastronomy and astrotourism.



Upon inquiry


Upon inquiry


Monday to Sunday:
9:00 to 14:00 h and 16:00 to 19:00 h.

Grupo Thuelma

Ctra. A401 km. 49
23560 Huelma (Jaén)
T. +34 953 39 01 55
T. +34 953 670 565

Activity program



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