The mill was established in 1960, has 702 members and an olive grove area of 2,888.17 hectares, with an average production of 13,500,000 kilos of olives and 3,000,000 kilos of oil. From the traditional pressing system that was installed in its beginnings, the cooperative has undergone different transformations until reaching its current state, where the latest technology in oil reception, extraction and storage is installed. In the same way, the quality of the oil has been evolving with the new consumer demand. They have moved from the traditional packaging of Extra Virgin Olive Oil “Peña de Martos” to the path of excellence, with the brand “TUCCIOLIVA”. Since 2007 Tuccioliva is among the most prestigious and awarded in the best competitions, both nationally and internationally, being the first co-op in the province of Jaén involved in a high quality project.



Upon inquiry


Upon inquiry


Upon inquiry

San Amador S.C.A.

C/ Príncipe Felipe, 20
23600 Martos (Jaén)
T. + 34 953 554 645



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