San Bartolomé, Santa Catalina and La Unión de Torredelcampo, Consolación de Torredonjime-no and San Francisco de Asís de Villardompardo.

The production centers of which Oleocampo is a part were formed by small and medium-sized groups of olive growers. Until then, and getting lost in the times, the farmers used to mill the olives in private mills.The launching of these co-ops is the first step to integrate the efforts of farmers in a common goal, achieving year after year to increase the number of members and in turn the volume of exploitation of extra virgin olive oil.

Located all of them in the Southern Countryside of Jaén, among their olive groves, many of them centenary, the oil of the highest quality is produced and cared for by its 3,472 members, cultivating 10,812 hectares of olive groves, the vast majority of which are rainfed and of the picual variety.



Upon inquiry


Upon inquiry


Monday to Thursday
from 8:30 to 14.00 and from 17:00 to 19:00 h
from 8:30 to 14:00 h

S.C.A. Oleocampo

Carretera del Megatín, s/n
23640 Torredelcampo (Jaén)
T. +34 953 41 50 29
T. +34 953 41 50 29

Activity program



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