Cortijo La Zarza is a company located in Arroyo del Ojanco that is dedicated to the production and marketing of Extra Virgin Olive Oil PREMIUM, focusing on the highest quality of the final product.

It is an environmentally friendly brand that combines the minimal use of plastic in its packaging, all of which is recyclable, with the cultivation and harvesting in a traditional olive grove farm, which produces an Extra Virgin Olive Oil of the highest quality. Cortijo La Zarza represents a place of the same name located in the municipality of Arroyo del Ojanco, in Jaén. A small production of traditional olive groves in fincas bathed by the Guadalimar River, straddling the Sierra Morena and the Sierra de Segura. “Cortijo La Zarza” is available in a 500 Ml. format in a can, which helps the correct con- servation of the olive oil and a 5 liter format packaged in a traditional glass container. It has an establishment and offers visits to the olive grove.



Upon inquiry


Length: approximately 2 h 30 m (15 m travel to Arroyo del Ojanco, 1 h talk and visit to the farm, 30 m coffee break, 30 m approach to the olive grove and 30 m olive oil tasting and store).


Monday to Friday from 9h to 14h and 17h to 20h. Saturdays from 9h to 14h

Cortijo La Zarza

Ctra. Córdoba Valencia, 94
23340 Arroyo del Ojanco ( Jaén)
T. +34 651 50 54 86

Activity program

  • Reception and meeting in Arroyo del Ojanco.
  • Brief introductory talk about the stages of the visit.
  • Visit to the farmhouse and its cultural, artistic and traditional patrimony.
  • Brief approach to the olive grove (guided with information).
  • Visit to the store and point of sale.



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