
Aceites Nobleza del Sur (en)

Is currently a symbol of love for the land, passion, enthusiasm and perseverance towards this noble and mythical tree that makes up the landscape of Jaén, unique in the world. Nobleza del Sur is a brand of EVOO that has an oil mill and facilities in the vicinity of Castellar, although its olive groves are distributed in different municipalities in the province of Jaén. The Extra Virgin
Olive Oils “Nobleza del Sur”.



Upon inquery


2h y 30´ (1h talk and oil mill tour,30´ coffee break, 1h tour of the olive grove and oil tasting.


Monday to Friday from 8:30 am to 2:30 pm.

Aceites Nobleza del Sur

Ctra. Sabiote, s/n,
23260 Castellar, (Jaén)
T. +34 953 460 718

Activity program

  • Introductory talk.
  • Visita to oil mill.
  • Tour of one of its closest olive groves.
  • Olive oil tasting and sale.



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