
Aceites Noaoliva Alamazara (en)

Exclusively by mechanical procedures: milling, centrifuging, decanting and filtering. Of the oils obtained, “Extra Virgin Olive Oil” is the best quality and superior category, as it maintains irreproachable qualities, both analytical and sensory. 

Its aroma and flavor reproduce those of the olives from which it comes and contains all the healthy and nutritional attributes of this exceptional natural product. The Andalusian Co-op Society Jesús del Gran Poder was founded in 1965 in the town of Noalejo, after the founding members acquired a modest private olive mill. 

This municipality, land of olive groves and beautiful landscapes, is located in the extreme south of the province of Jaén, on the border with the province of Granada and in the beautiful region of Sierra Mágina, and its municipal district is known as the “land of the quarrels” due to the continuous disputes between the two provinces to appropriate the jurisdiction and sovereignty of the old entailed estate.



Upon inquiry


Upon inquiry


Upon inquiry

Aceites Noaoliva Alamazara

23140 Noalejo, Jaén
T. +34 953 30 63 20
T. +34 667 68 86 92

Activity program



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