The origins of the Melgarejo family’s olive production in Jaén date back to the 18th century, when the foundations of a me- ticulous way of producing olive oil were laid, characterized by know-how, innovative spirit a strong will to innovate and a ob- servation of the field on a daily basis.

Already in those times, there is evidence that the ancestors of the Melgarejo that the ancestors of the Melgarejo family produced and traded olive oil, enjoying a good reputation in the region. An activity that has transcended to the present time, through the five generations that form the family tree of Melgarejo. Since then and until now there has been a solid growth thanks to the union of tradition and innovation, the incorporation of new varieties of oils produced in renowned olive-growing areas of Jaén and the high level of demand.



Upon inquiry


Upon inquiry


Upon inquiry

Aceites Melgarejo

Cam. Real Sin Número
23110 Pegalajar, Jaén
T. +34 953 36 10 81

Activity program



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