The Sierra de Cazorla region is located in the southeast of the province of Jaén. Numerous villages and farmhouses are distributed throughout its geography, crowned by the ranges of Cazorla, Quesada, el Pozo and La Cabrilla.

The Sierra de Cazorla is a terrytory very linked to the history of naturalist disclosure in Spain.
Due to its natural values, it is a “Biosphere Reserve”, “Natural Network” and other environmental protection figures such as ZEPA, LIC and ZEC. It is a member of the European Charter for Sustainable Tourism, as well as being a SICTED destination (Integral System of Tourist Quality in Destination). The olive grove landscape is an essential part of its personality, its identity and its history.

As can be seen from the aforementioned protection figures, it is a very unique territory and it is no coincidence that it is so positioned as a nature tourism destination, both nationally and internationally, the olive grove landscape forming an essential part of its personality, its identity and its history.
Its high average altitude, over 1,000 m, and its numerous peaks that exceed 2,000 m, give it great beauty and uniqueness, with a rugged landscape and very varied ecosystems. All this makes the Sierra de Cazorla a paradise for hiking, active tourism and ecotourism, with a great connection to the figure of Félix Rodríguez de la Fuente.

The Sierra de Cazorla is a territory with a strong identity, closely linked to the history of naturalistic dissemination in Spain, and one of the pioneer destinations in Spain in nature tourism, whose knowledge is largely due to the work of disseminating its natural values carried out by Félix Rodríguez de la Fuente. It has a wide range of rural tourism companies and establishments, active and nature tourism, environmental education and related activities.

The tourist establishments in the Sierra de Cazorla have a wide variety of categories and styles, which makes them suitable for a wide range of demand segments, both tourism in general and oil tourism in particular.
IThe cuisine of the Sierra de Cazorla, traditionally of great sobriety, is defined by its markedly mountain character and by the products of the environment, with abundant seasoning: game, fishing, fresh legumes and vegetables, without missing its excellent oil with designation of origin, protagonist of many dishes in the region.