The region of El Condado, in the north of the province of Jaén and sheltered by the Sierra Morena, offers a mosaic of very diverse and unique landscapes: red earth and olive groves, pastures, of holm oak forests, slopes and valleys of Mediterranean scrubland, watered by a number of streams, rivers and dams.

The spectacular Montizon castle is perhaps the best preserved in Campo de Montiel.

The County of Jaén accumulates centuries of border territory and crossroads that have left a varied heritage; from dinosaur footprints, cave art, Iberians, Roman bridges, cave houses, castles and towers, colonization villages, museums, inter-pretation centers, archaeological sites, churches, urban centers, winding and steep streets, historic centers of Arab origin; to modernist architecture, … are some of the many suggestions to visit and get to know this region, noble for its origin and the hospitality of its inhabitants.

The County of Jaén is also a land of olive trees and olive oil, with a very varied olive oil heritage among olive mills, the Olive Oil and Olive Grove Interpretation Center in Navas de San Juan, olive wood craftsmanship; together with a rich gastronomy in which stand out dishes linked to olive oil, or the miller’s breakfast. The wild bull in its nature is also a singular attraction and protagonist of the region. 

A noble region for its origin and for the hospitality of its inhabitants, which works with enthusiasm to offer rural quality in products, services and landscapes. Which opens its doors to a tourist eager for an authentic rural world, close to the territory, the countryside and its work, in the heart of the nature of Sierra Morena.


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