
SCA Bedmarense (en)

By a large group of olive growers, to the need to defend their agricultural production by set- ting up their own olive oil industry. That initial germ was expanding year after year, both in the number of associated olive growers and in the oil…

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CRDO Sierra Mágina (en)

The Regulatory Council of the Sier- ra Mágina Denomination of Origin certifies the origin and quality of the extra virgin olive oils produced in our region, located in the province of Jaén. These EVOOs come from the picual variety, have an aroma of tomato…

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Almazara Larvoliva (en)

Located in the province of Jaén, specifi- cally in the town of Larva, a small munic- ipality in the east of the region of Sierra Mágina. The income of its inhabitants is exclusively agricultural, dedicating most of its territory to the cultivation of the…

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Aceites Oleobercho (en)

Aceites Oleobercho is the olive oil brand of the co-op Santa María de Pegalajar (Jaén). In our mill we are experts in extra virgin ol- ive oil since 1968. Our maxims are the tradition of the olive grove, the roots of our land and…

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Aceites La Casona (en)

Aceite La Casona is a family business that cul- tivates an area of 50 hectares of high moun- tain organic olive groves, next to the Natural Park of Sierra Mágina, in the municipality of Pegalajar (Jaén). This centenary olive grove was transformed into organic…

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Aceites Melgarejo (en)

The origins of the Melgarejo family’s olive production in Jaén date back to the 18th century, when the foundations of a me- ticulous way of producing olive oil were laid, characterized by know-how, innovative spirit a strong will to innovate and a ob- servation…

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Thuelma Group

It creates natural products that contribute to the integral wellbeing of people, achieving this through experience and determination to of- fer quality Extra Virgin Olive Oil and products de- rived from it, which invite you to explore unique sensations and experiences. It has olive…

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