The Sociedad Cooperativa Andaluza Virgen del Perpetuo Socorro in Alcaudete is one of the main olive oil mills in the region in terms of job creation and added value. It currently has more than 1,800 members who put their efforts into its…
Leer másEVOO producing company that offers experiences of olive oil tourism in Jabalquinto. A trip for the five senses that you will not forget, from touching the field with your own hands to tasting the best oils, in a guided visit to theolive…
Leer másJulio López, Joaquín Fernández, Martín Jiménez, Rafael Moreno … and so on, up to 634 small farmers from Torres, a small village in Sierra Mágina, in the heart of the olive-growing area of the province of Jaén. In 1971 we joined together…
Leer másThe Sociedad Cooperativa Andaluza Nuestra Señora de los Remedios is located in the town of Jimena and was founded in 1976. It currently has 710 members and has an average production of around 15 million kilos of olives. It packs under the…
Leer másOleaí is a group formed by organic farmers committed to environmental conservation and social and economic development of the Sierra de Segura de Jaén, members of the Association of Producers and Consumers Segura Ecológica, which seeks the sustainable development of the region.…
Leer másdedicated to the breeding of the fighting bull. You will be able to live with the Santa Coloma bulls in their natural habitat and you will have the opportunity to learn from the inside about the activities of this type of farm…
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