On the EVOO peaks

"At the summits of EVOO." The suggestive name of this experience tells us about the mountain olive grove and invites us to taste its oil, among rugged landscapes and waters full of life.

This is a mountain area, something decisive for the maintenance of its traditional culture and its natural resources. It boasts an exquisite Oil of Virgin Olive, with the characteristics of the Mountain Olive Grove.

Package 1: Oil tourism and nature

Day 1

Listen to the description of this itinerary:

Package 1

  • 09:00 h: Reception of visitors for an olive oil tour that includes an introductory talk, visit to the olive mill, visit to the olive grove, oil tasting. To be arranged with the selected company, according to needs. Different options:
  • 13:30 h: Transfer to selected restaurant (customer’s choice) and lunch.
  • From 16:00 h: Depending on the season, different options:
    • 16:00 h: Cultural and scenic visit to the surroundings of Santiago-Pontones.
    • Wide range of cultural resources and naturalistic excursions in Sierra de Segura.
    • Dinner (restaurant of client’s choice).
    • Accommodation (lodging of client’s choice).

Tourism office

Oil mill

Day 2

  • Breakfast.
  • 09:00 h: Reception of visitors for an olive oil tour that includes an introductory talk, visit to the olive mill, visit to the olive grove, oil tasting. To be arranged with the selected company, according to needs. Different options:
  • 13:30 h: Transfer to selected restaurant (customer’s choice) and lunch.
  • From 16:00 h:
    • Depending on the season, different options.
    • Possibility of scenic and naturalistic tour in the Tranco reservoir Embalse del Tranco (by solar energy-propelled boat).
    • Wide range of cultural resources and naturalistic excursions in the Sierra de Segura.
    • Client farewell.

Package 2: Oil tourism and culture

Day 1

  • 09:00 h: Recepción de visitantes para un tour de aceite de oliva que incluye una charla introductoria, visita al molino de olivas, visita al olivar y cata de aceite. A coordinar con la empresa seleccionada, según necesidades. Diferentes opciones:
  • 13:30 h: Traslado al restaurante seleccionado (a elección del cliente) y almuerzo.
  • A partir de las 16:00 h: Dependiendo de la temporada, diferentes opciones:
    • De 16:00 a 18:00 h: Visita histórica, cultural y paisajística a Benatae.
    • De 18:30 a 20:30 h: Visita histórica, cultural y paisajística a Orcera.
    • Amplia gama de recursos culturales y excursiones naturalistas en la Sierra de Segura.
  • Cena (restaurante a elección del cliente).
  • Alojamiento (a elección del cliente).

Tourism Office

Oil mill

Day 2

  • Breakfast.
  • 09:00 h:
    • Reception and welcome at Beas de Segura Tourism Office.
    • Cultural visit to Beas de Segura.
    • Guided tour through Beas de Segura with special focus on its gastronomic history.
  • 12:00 h:
    • Cultural, scenic, and architectural visit of Puente de Génave.
    • Guided tour of the town center.
  • 14:00 h:
    • Lunch (at a restaurant of the client’s choice).
  • From 16:00 h:
    • Depending on the season, different options.
    • Cultural, scenic, and nature visit to Siles.
    • Wide range of cultural resources and naturalistic excursions in the Sierra de Segura.
    • Client farewell.

Package 3: Oil tourism, history and landscape

Day 1

Listen to the description of this itinerary:

Package 3

  • 09:00 h: Reception of visitors for an olive oil tour that includes an introductory talk, visit to the olive mill, visit to the olive grove, and oil tasting. To be arranged with the selected company, according to needs. Different options:
  • 13:30 h: Transfer to selected restaurant (customer’s choice) and lunch.
  • From 16:00 h: Depending on the season, different options.
  • De 18:30 a 20:30 h: Historical, cultural and scenic visit to Villarrodrigo.
  • Wide range of cultural resources and naturalistic excursions in the Sierra de Segura.
  • Dinner (restaurant of customer’s choice).
  • Accommodation (customer’s choice).

Oficina de Turismo

Oil mill

Day 2

  • Breakfast.
  • 09:00 h: Reception of visitors for an olive oil tour that includes an introductory talk, visit to the olive mill, visit to the olive grove, and oil tasting. To be arranged with the selected company, according to needs. Different options:
  • Transfer to Segura de la Sierra. Visit to the Historic-Artistic Ensemble of Segura de la Sierra, in the network of The Most Beautiful Villages of Spain.
  • 14:00 h: Transfer to selected restaurant (customer’s choice) and lunch.
  • 16:00 h: Depending on the season, different options:
    • Cultural and scenic visit to the Historic-Artistic Site of Hornos.
    • Wide range of cultural resources and naturalistic excursions in the Sierra de Segura.
    • Client farewell.

Complete Guide

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